Day/Date : Wednesday, 13 September 2023
Time : 14.00 – 16.00 (Jakarta’s Time)
Location : Hybrid Stage 3 – Hall B3
Link : https://vexpo.iee-series.com/agenda/
“Indonesia Project Guide 2024: Indonesia Engineering Innovation for Energy Sector” outlines a seminar hosted by TBIC BRIN & Tender Indonesia. The seminar emphasizes the significance of engineering innovation in tackling Indonesia’s energy sector challenges. Its objective is to identify engineering solutions for renewable energy integration, energy storage technologies, and reliable power grids. Collaboration among industries, research institutions, and the government is also highlighted. The document covers the background, goals, scope, collaborative framework, exploration methods, success metrics, schedule, budget, implications, and related responsibilities for the seminar.
Moderator: Sarah Maryatie – CEO – PT. Amnarta Multi Sinergy
- Tito Loho – CEO Tender Indonesia
- Suprijonggo Santoso – Ketua Umum – Asosiasi Perusahaan Pemboran Migas & Panas Bumi Indonesia (APMI)
- Dr. -Ing – Pudji Untoro – Founder – Forum Sinergi Inovasi Industri (FSII)