Indonesia to auction three onstream blocks in August

Jul 31 / The Jakarta Post – The government is set to open bidding for three ready-to-produce oil and gas blocks — Makassar Strait, Selat Panjang and South Jambi B — in the first week of August. Deputy Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arcandra Tahar said on Monday that there was enough data on the three blocks to entice potential bidders.

Pertamina builds projects valued at US$20 trillion in eastern Indonesia

JAKARTA, July 30th / AntaraNews – The 12 units of LPG terminal valued at Rp10 trillion were built to support the program of conversion of kerosene into LPG all over Indonesia.In eastern Indonesia alone, Pertamina built 4 Terminals of LPG Pressurized in Bima, Kupang, Wayame and Jayapura.

Japanese foreign minister to visit Indonesia next week

JAKARTA, June 23rd / Antara – Japan`s total investment in Indonesia had reached US$5 billion in 2017, while the trade balance was recorded at $33 billion. Indonesia exports oil, liquefied natural gas, coal as well as other sectors to Japan.

Oil and Gas Holding Company Strengthens National Gas Business

JAKARTA, May 31st / Netral English – The establishment of oil and gas holding company will optimize the gas business in Indonesia, among others through the optimization of gas supply and improvement of gas infrastructure efficiency, thus creating competitive gas prices.

Indonesia Pastikan Jual Gas 1,5 Juta Ton ke Pakistan

January 30, 2018 / source:, Safyra Primadhyta
Indonesia menandatangani kesepakatan kerja sama dengan pemerintah Pakistan (Inter Government Agreement/IGA) di bidang energi. Kesepakatan tersebut memastikan penjualan gas alam cair (LNG) dari Indonesia ke negara kawasan Asia Selatan, termasuk Pakistan.

Iri ‘BBM Satu Harga’, PGN Ingin Harga Gas Sama Rata

January 26, 2018 / source:, Dinda Audriene

PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) telah meminta Badan Pengatur Hilir Minyak dan Gas Bumi (BPH Migas) untuk membuat harga gas bumi menjadi sama di seluruh daerah di Indonesia. maraknya jargas ini juga akan mengurangi ketergantungan pemerintah dengan elpiji impor.​